Fatima The Journal of investigative dermatology 2022 (Pubmed ID 35691364)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2022.04.028
Name: Fatima The Journal of investigative dermatology 2022 (Pubmed ID 35691364)
Year: 2022
Title: Skin Aging in Long-Lived Naked Mole-Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Expression of Longevity-Associated and Tumor Suppressor Genes.
grant: UH3AG064706
study: The Integrative Longevity Omics Projects
Authors: Fatima I Chen G Botchkareva NV Sharov AA Thornton D Wilkinson HN Hardman MJ Grutzkau A Pedro de Magalhaes J Seluanov A Smith ESJ Gorbunova V Mardaryev AN Faulkes CG Botchkarev VA
Journal: The Journal of investigative dermatology
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 35691364
entity_name: Fatima The Journal of investigative dermatology 2022 (Pubmed ID 35691364)
fulljournalname: The Journal of investigative dermatology

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