

Created By NF Service nf-osi-service

age: 50
sex: Female
eTag: 836792f2-4f89-4f2d-84f0-ad09a330dbbe
ageUnit: years
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn23664726
Component: WGSTemplate
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: Evaluating genetic modifiers of cutaneous neurofibromas in adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
tumorType: Not Applicable
fileFormat: txt
initiative: Open Proposal Program
specimenID: NG11UZJNU6
nf1Genotype: Unknown
nf2Genotype: Unknown
individualID: Stanford_Genetic_652
resourceType: report
fundingAgency: NTAP
libraryStrand: Not Applicable
libraryPreparationMethod: unknown

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