Chen Nature communications 2015 (Pubmed ID 26189703)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8549
Name: Chen Nature communications 2015 (Pubmed ID 26189703)
Year: 2015
Title: Large-scale genomics unveil polygenic architecture of human cortical surface area.
grant: U19AG023122
study: The Longevity Consortium
Authors: Chen CH Peng Q Schork AJ Lo MT Fan CC Wang Y Desikan RS Bettella F Hagler DJ Westlye LT Kremen WS Jernigan TL Le Hellard S Steen VM Espeseth T Huentelman M Haberg AK Agartz I Djurovic S Andreassen OA Schork N Dale AM
Journal: Nature communications
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 26189703
entity_name: Chen Nature communications 2015 (Pubmed ID 26189703)
fulljournalname: Nature communications

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