Dear @PEGSDREAMChallengeParticipants ,
Firstly, we would like to thank you all for a great challenge so far, and we are excited to see the participation response for Task 1.
We would also like to invite you to participate in Task 2, which is an Ideation Challenge - no coding required! :-) Instead, the objective will be to submit a descriptive writeup where you will design a novel hypothesis or hypotheses and describe a model or models using the multi-dimensional PEGS data to improve the understanding of the etiology of hypercholesterolemia beyond known conventional clinical risk factors. See the [Task 2 webpage]( for details.
The deadline for Task 2 submissions is August 19th, 23:59 UTC.
We look forward to your novel and exciting ideas!
Happy challenging!
Created by Verena Chung vchung Only 1 submission is allowed in the Final round. Dear Organizer,
After submitting the .docx file, it displays that our team has reached the submission quota.
I haven't seen any rules related to the number of uploads. What is the maximum number of submissions?
Drop files to upload
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