Hi, I was looking through the health exposure validation dataset, and didnt find a column with the classification label for high cholesterol. was wondering where i could find the label

Created by Elvin Ding eding36
I believe your output prediction file needs to contain all the rows, even if some of your predictions are NA.
Thanks, it does! Another question, does it matter if my prediction csv file is smaller than the original? Since I filtered out rows with N/A in them.
Hello @eding36 , The high cholesterol column is named he_b008_high_cholesterol in the Health&Exposure RData file. This column is removed from the validation dataset (including the synthetic validation data to keep things the same between the synthetic and the actual dataset) because this is the prediction to be made by your model. It will be compared to the actual value after you submit your docker model and the AUC will be returned. Hope this helps, Farida

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