Dear organizers,
we are about to submit our final submission.
Yesterday, we submitted a Docker image that contained an error and will most likely not terminate.
Unfortunately, unlike in the leaderboard round, scripts seem not to get killed by the submission system after a too-long runtime.
This now poses a problem, because as long as this faulty script is running, we cannot make our final submission.
Is there a way for us to stop this "zombie script"?
Or can you perhaps take care of it?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
Created by Johannes Falk JoFa Dear Jenny,
Thank you very much for your helpful message.
We were just afraid that we wouldn't get the chance to correct the faulty script and re-submit a final version.
However, a few minutes ago, we received the message that the script timed out.
Dear @JoFa,
Our apologies, the pipeline did not get to your submission yet. Your submission is currently running and if what you suspect is correct that there is an infinite loop in the source code, the container will automatically shut down and e-mail you a notification accordingly, at which point you can make your next submission.
I will be monitoring your submission to ensure that the execution time failsafe behaves accordingly.
Side note: We encourage you to use the Docker execution logs in your [personal Logs folder]( for troubleshooting purposes.
Let us know if you have any further questions and thank you for your participation,
Drop files to upload
Final submission Taks 1 - Submission blocked page is loading…