Dear @BraTSGoAT2024Participants , We have extended the submission of segmentation files, short paper and the final model to **April 18, 23:59 PST**! Click here to learn [how to participate](!Synapse:syn52939291/wiki/625690) and here for the [submission tutorial](!Synapse:syn52939291/wiki/626233). If you have any questions, please reply to this thread and tag the lead organizers at @giemmecci and/or @ujjwalbaid EDIT: fixed timezone

Created by Verena Chung vchung
@ShadowTwin41 Yes
Dear all, What option should we choose for submitting the paper? "Track: ISBI 2024: Challenge Papers"? Thank you!
Dear @BraTSGoAT2024ChallengeParticipants , The deadline to submit your final model/MLCube is April 18. For some of the teams, we have received short summary papers of their approaches but not the MLCUbes. It is mandatory to submit the MLCubes for your approach to be eligible to participate in the testing phase of the challenge. Your manuscript will not be considered for review and publication if we do not receive the MLcubes by **April 18 (no extension).**
Yes, I was able to edit it now on CMT! Thank you for your support!
Hi, You should be able to edit the submission now; can you confirm? Thanks!
Thank you for organizing the shared task. Although I couldn't significantly improve my score, I made some personally interesting discoveries, which prompted me to submit a paper. I would like to correct some inaccurate expressions in the paper and add information that became available due to the extended deadline. However, I am no longer able to replace the PDF of the paper on the CMT site. (Perhaps editing was disabled after the original deadline of 4/6? I was able to replace it before then.) How should I proceed if I want to replace the paper?

? Announcement: submission deadline extended to April 18! page is loading…