Hi all,
Our team submitted a prediction to the Phase 2 (Mortality Prediction) but I don't think we have received an email about the score.
Is the Phase 2 scoring system already working?
If it is working, how can we check the score?
Created by Kozo Nishida kozo.nishida Your submission will only show up on the leaderboard if you had a pval of less than 0.05.
For proteomics submissions can you confirm you are submitting with id values in the form of Pxxx eg P105? Hi, @Sarudak
Mortality Prediction Leaderboard - **Methylation** scoring works for us now.
But Mortality Prediction Leaderboard - **Proteomics** does not seem to be working.
Our team submitted two submissions for **Proteomics** with
- submission ID 9749362
- submission ID 9749330
, but we have not received an email stating that it has been scored.
hi, @Sarudak I submitted in the methylation track and got the score in email but cannot see my submission history in the submission dashboard. Hi @Sarudak ,
Pleaese ignore "do I need to re-do the submissions that I have submitted in the past (but have not been able to get a score)?" in my previous post.
I have resubmitted the file that I submitted previously.
Hi @Sarudak ,
Thanks for resolving the isssues with submissions.
By the way, do I need to re-do the submissions that I have submitted in the past (but have not been able to get a score)? Wanted to let everyone know that the issues with submissions have been resolved and there are open again. Please let me know if you run into any issues. Thank you for your reply.
If it becomes available, we would appreciate it if you could post it here. I have disabled it for the investigation. It should be available again soon. @Sarudak
I think now we can't submit to "Biomarkers of Aging Challenge 2024 - Mortality Prediction Methylation".
Is this because you are currently working for this "Discussion"?
Do you think it will be difficult to make it possible to submit "Methylation" again?
> It looks like multiple submissions have happened. All were marked as ACCEPTED meaning they succeeded but got no score.
Is it possible for me to check the ACCEPTED status?
I know that dashboard exists from https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn52966292/wiki/625236 , but I don't know where I can access that dashboard from...
> This is after I did my successful test submission so something does seem to be broken. I will investigate.
Thanks for checking. > It should be working and you should get an email about score.
I don't think I received that email.
> Did you do a proteomic or methylation submission?
I did a methylation submission. Looked into this a little more. It looks like multiple submissions have happened. All were marked as ACCEPTED meaning they succeeded but got no score. This is after I did my successful test submission so something does seem to be broken. I will investigate.
It should be working and you should get an email about score. Did you do a proteomic or methylation submission?
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