Hi, The [UID mapping file](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn53065760/wiki/627890#:~:text=MIDI_1_1_017-,3.%20UID%20mapping%20file,-The%20mapping%20file) section seems to indicate that it is up to the participant to choose what UID to record in the submission UID mapping file (uid_mapping.csv). In other words, is it indifferent to the organizers whether I submit StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID or SOPInstanceUID? Thank you.

Created by Marco Pereaņez rids_1
Yes, you are right. All the StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, and SOPInstanceUID are mixed in the same column.
Hi, Thanks for the previous answer. Since the example file given in the "3. UID mapping file" section only has 2 columns "id_old" and "id_new", does that mean that StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, and SOPInstanceUID, which are hierarchically different, are to be mixed indiscriminately in the same column? Thanks, and sorry for dwelling on this.
Hi @rids_1, ALL UIDs (including the StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, **AND** SOPInstanceUID) need to be provided in the file of uid_mapping.csv. If I misunderstood your question, please ask again.

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