Hi, Could you please let me know how long it typically takes to receive the validation reports after submitting a file? Thank you for your assistance! Best regards,

Created by Hamideh Haghiri hamideh.h
Doesn't work. The error message: ``` Submission Dashboard You can check the progress of all of your submissions here. Log files are generated for each submission and have been linked below for your convenience. Note that only the user who submitted the submission will be able to monitor its progress. Submission ID Last Updated Submitted Docker Status Log Folder scoring Score Leaderboard This is an unranked leaderboard of the participating teams during the Validation Phase (Aug. 4 - Aug. 30, 2024) Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for access. You lack READ access to the requested entity. ```
The leaderboard is at the bottom of [Result Page](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn53065760/wiki/629264). You can see the result and report file (need to sign in). Please let us know if it works.
Thank you for reply, could you please tell me where can I find the reports?
It usually takes 2-3 hours to complete the evaluation, depending on the submission traffic volume.

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