If the discrepancy report contains ONLY discrepancies between the submitted data and the correct data then why does EVERY row of data of our discrepancy file have identical entries for "file_value" and "answer_value"? According to the Wiki "Evaluation Section" : 1) "file_value" is the "De-ided value provided by the participants" 2) "answer_value" is the "Correct answer" If these rows indicate errors, then why are these values the same?

Created by Daniel Samber DanTheMan
Hi Dan, I've had a look at your discrepancy report. First, were you filtering the report? I'm not finding that every row in your report has identical entries. Many do, yes, but not all. To explain why there are identical values, you need to also take into account the following columns, action, action_text, etc.. Outlined [here](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn53065760/wiki/627888). These will help explain each discrepancy. For example: **file_value**: ||_your file value_ **answer_value**: ||_the original value, but used to determine the answer. Poorly named._ **action**: ||_the action that should be taken... remove text._ **action_text**: ||_the text the action should be taken on... this text should be removed_ **category**: |tcia|_the category it falls under, this decision is tcia based_ **subcategory**: |TCIA-P15-DESC-C|_the subcategory, in this case, the clean description option of DICOM part 15._ We'll correct the label specifying "Correct answer" for answer_value on the wiki. Thanks for pointing this out.
We are looking into the issue and try to answer it asap.

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