Arbeev Frontiers in genetics 2023 (Pubmed ID 37719713)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1236509
Name: Arbeev Frontiers in genetics 2023 (Pubmed ID 37719713)
Year: 2023
Title: Interactions between genes involved in physiological dysregulation and axon guidance: role in Alzheimer's disease.
grant: U19AG063893
study: The Long Life Family Study
Authors: Arbeev KG Ukraintseva S Bagley O Duan H Wu D Akushevich I Stallard E Kulminski A Christensen K Feitosa MF O'Connell JR Parker D Whitson H Yashin AI
Journal: Frontiers in genetics
Program: ELITE
PubmedId: 37719713
entity_name: Arbeev Frontiers in genetics 2023 (Pubmed ID 37719713)
fulljournalname: Frontiers in genetics

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