Dear Organizers,
I have personally submitted some models and I would like to submit the next ones as part of a team. The platforms seems to prevent such possibility. How can I proceed for next submissions?
Created by Nicola Amoroso namoroso @gaia.andreoletti Thank you, I appreciate it! @YIN95 and @YikunHan done! Hi, could you please also invalidate my first attempt? I will submit as a part of a team in the future. @gaia.andreoletti Hi,
Could you please invalidate my previous submissions? I also would like to submit the next ones as part of a team. Grazie! :) @namoroso , fatto! Hi @gaia.andreoletti,
thanks for you reply. Yes, from now onwards I would like to make a team submission. Could you please invalidate my previous submissions? Hi @namoroso,
Once someone has submitted as an individual, they will need to continue submitting as individuals. If they now wish to make a team submission themselves, we would need to invalidate their previous individual submissions.