
Created By Zhenzhen Yin ZYin3

Id: 0ff488b1-fc2e-48d9-8c5d-8666348baa6a
age: 12
sex: Unknown
assay: immunohistochemistry
organ: nerves
ageUnit: weeks
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn52676851
dataType: image
entityId: syn53503109
platform: Olympus DP80
Component: ImagingAssayTemplate
diagnosis: NF2-related schwannomatosis
studyName: Co-Targeting HMGB1 and EGF signaling for the treatment of NF2 and associated hearing loss
tumorType: schwannoma
fileFormat: jpg
initiative: Young Investigator Award
dataSubtype: raw
nf2Genotype: -/-
individualID: LX-P5-475
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: CTF

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