Dear @BraTS2024Participants, We are pleased to announce the upload of new cases for the BraTS-METS Challenge 2024, under Training Data 2. These 324 cases, of which 101 are post-therapy cases, have been specifically prepared to aid in the training of your algorithms. The new cases include synthetic T2-weighted images, which have been generated to enhance the dataset's robustness and variability. Importantly, all these new cases are provided in their native space. This means that the images have not undergone any spatial normalization, preserving the original anatomical context. [BraTS-METS Challenge 2024 - Training Data 2](syn59860022) Set 1 for your reference: [BraTS-METS Challenge 2024 - Training Data 1](syn59407686) If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reply to this post or reach out directly. Thank you for your continued participation and efforts in the challenge. Best, @BraTSChallengeOrganizers

Created by Nader Ashraf Nader_Ashraf
@Nader_Ashraf we were trying to load a couple of files from the BraTS-METS Challenge 2024 - Training Data 2 but we see that `[BraTS-MET-00559-002, BraTS-MET-00595-000]` have mismatch in the sizes of the t2w and seg files. Is that a problem due to some kind of faulty generation step? cc: @dani-capellan
@astaraki Thanks for bringing this to our attention; we will replace the file and inform everyone by the end of this week.
To the organizer (Perdiatric task): I noticed the "t1c" volume from "BraTS-PED-00255-000" in the pediatric dataset is a broken file. Do you know how to deal with that? Should we ignore it or it would be replaced? Thanks in advance,

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