Dear @BraTS2024Participants , We are excited to announce the upload of 1350 training cases for the BraTS Adult Glioma Post Treatment Challenge 2024 (BraTS-GLI). Validation cases should be available within two weeks. Importantly, all these cases are provided in MNI space. The 2024 BraTS post-treatment glioma challenge manuscript can be found at: Thank you for your continued participation and efforts in the challenge. Best, @BraTSChallengeOrganizers

Created by Maria Correia de Verdier maria.correiadeverdier
@pandora24 Thanks for your question. We are still finalizing the codebase for 2024 challenge @rs2492 We will post it once the validation data is ready and the leader board goes live in a couple weeks But in the Arxiv paper we do describe that we will be evaluating each of the 4 primary tissue classes as well as TC and WT Jeff Rudie
Hi @maria.correiadeverdier @vchung , I have a question regarding evaluation metrics for this challenge. I noticed a link for this - But that only computes metrics for TC, WT, ET. If I'm not wrong, this year we evaluate, TC, WT, ET along with other regions like NETC, SNFH and RC. Can we have an updated codebase that performs evaluation on the new labels as well?

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