Dear @BraTS2024Participants , We are excited to announce the release of the Training data for the Brain Tumor Segmentation in Pediatrics (BraTS-PEDs) Challenge 2024. This year's training dataset includes 261 pediatric patients diagnosed with high-grade glioma tumors, such as astrocytoma and diffuse midline glioma (DMG). The dataset comprises four standard MRI sequences labeled "t1c, t1n, t2w, t2f," along with the corresponding ground truth segmentations labeled "seg." **Data:** 1. Access the training data via this [Link](!Synapse:syn58894466) 2. Note that one of the files for BraTS-PED-00255-000 is broken. For optimal model training, please download the [corrected case folder](!Synapse:syn60140557) and replace it within the [training set](!Synapse:syn58894928). **Challenge Guidelines:** 1. Detailed information about the data and annotations can be found in the [Challenge Guideline]( and the [webpage](!Synapse:syn53708249/wiki/627505). 2. Please note the following differences in this year's BraTS-PEDs dataset compared to the 2023 dataset: - The images are defaced instead of skull-stripped. - There are four tumor subregion labels: Enhancing Tumor (ET) = Label 1 (value 1), Nonenhancing Tumor (NET) = Label 2 (value 2), Cystic Component (CC) = Label 3 (value 3), Edema (ED) = Label 4 (value 4). **Questions?** Feel free to reply to this thread or reach out to me directly (Synapse ID: @anahita.kazerooni). The Validation data will be released in a couple of weeks. Best regards, The BraTS-PEDs Team

Created by Anahita Kazerooni anahita.kazerooni!Synapse:syn53708249/discussion/threadId=11040&replyId=32165 Hi The BraTS-PEDs Team I realized I actually downloaded the Pediatrics (BraTS-PEDs) Challenge 2024 dataset about a week ago. Do you think I should grab it again, or are we good to go with what I have?

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