Dear @BraTS2024Participants , If you are planning to participate in the **BraTS 2024 Brain Metastasis Challenge**, a small discrepancy was found in the Training 2 dataset. The corrected case folders are now available as of ~~02 July 2024~~ 08 July 2024. For optimal model training, we recommend downloading the [corrected case folders](syn61596964) and replacing them within the [second training set](syn59860022) if you had downloaded this dataset before this date. --- ###! Full Changelog * **31 July 2024**: files for case BraTS-MET-00232-000 have been corrected and now available [here](syn61929632). * **08 July 2024**: T2 files for an additional three cases (BraTS-MET-00694-000, BraTS-MET-00625-000, BraTS-MET-00703-000) within the Training 2 dataset have been corrected. * **02 July 2024**: T2 files for two cases (BraTS-MET-00595-000, BraTS-MET-00559-002) within the Training 2 dataset have been corrected. --- If you have any questions, please reply to this thread. Lead MET organizers: @maboian @awmoawad @Nader_Ashraf

Created by Verena Chung vchung
@khue @zjiang , Thank you for the notification! I have forwarded your post to the lead MET organizers and they have provided a corrected case folder for BraTS-MET-00232-000 [here](syn61929632).
Hello BraTS 2024 Team, I am writing to inquire about the file 'BraTS-MET-00232-000-t2w.nii.gz.' in the Training_1 folder. This image array can be opened by SimpleITK (error with Nibabel) but appears unusual compared to the other modalities, which seem normal. See a slide of the image in this link: Has anyone else encountered this issue with this file? Thank you for your assistance, @vchung .
@abhijeetparida , Thank you for bringing this to the organizers' attention! As of 08 July 2024, the [corrected case folders](syn61596964) has been updated to include: * BraTS-MET-00694-000 * BraTS-MET-00559-002 * BraTS-MET-00595-000 * BraTS-MET-00625-000 * BraTS-MET-00703-000
Hi team! We also suspect that the T2 files for the cases `'BraTS-MET-00625-000','BraTS-MET-00694-000', 'BraTS-MET-00703-000'` might also need an update.

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