Hello @branhongweili ,
I have a question regarding the MLCube testing for the Global Synthesis task.
I always run into the following error and was not yet able to solve the problem:
2024-08-02 12:07:38 dbe-sl21-02 mlcube.__main__[3769747] INFO Running task = infer
python: can't open file '/mlcube_project/mlcube.py': [Errno 13] Permission denied
ERROR conda.cli.main_run:execute(125): `conda run python /mlcube_project/mlcube.py infer --data_path=/mlcube_io0 --parameters=/mlcube_io1/parameters.yaml --parameters_t1gen=/mlcube_io2/t1_gen.pt --parameters_t1cegen=/mlcube_io2/t1ce_gen.pt --parameters_t2gen=/mlcube_io2/t2_gen.pt --parameters_flairgen=/mlcube_io2/flair_gen.pt` failed. (See above for error)
? Model MLCube failed: There was an error while executing the cube.
Anyone else faced similar issues or knows how to solve the problem?
Created by irdeirfp @branhongweili Yes, solved the problem. Thanks hi @irdeirfp , did you fix this issue?
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