Hi Has the code for instance segmentation released yet ?

Created by dskhanirfan
Apologies for the delayed reply, Jingyun, been swamped. I reached out to the developer and we'll get back to you next week about this.
Hi, I had trouble installing the 2022 Task_1 code. The error occurred when I tried to pip install the [setup.py](https://github.com/FeTS-AI/Challenge/blob/main/Task_1/setup.py). The main error was: "No url found for submodule path 'GANDLF' in .gitmodules". I posted the details on [Git Discussions](https://github.com/FeTS-AI/Challenge/discussions/190) - would appreciate it if anyone could suggest a fix.
Yeap, no updates. If you find something suggesting otherwise in the current version of the site feel free to tell me and I'll amend it :)
Hi, so there will be no updates to the git repository?
We will be sticking to semantic segmentation after all. I updated the site accordingly. So you have all the code you will need.
Yeah sorry we've had internal delay on that. Can't give a precise date as I'm being updated myself day-to-day about the instance segmentation module from collaborators. I'm hoping we can get it in by next week. In principle though, I would expect developed aggregation methods to translate directly from semantic to instance without a shift in relative performance (though a different observation would be rather interesting). I'll update you as soon as I know more.

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