What does the following terms mean Num_TP_ET Num_TP_TC Num_TP_WT Num_FP_ET Num_FP_TC Num_FP_WT Num_FN_ET Num_FN_TC Num_FN_WT If it is Number of True Positives, False positives False Negatives. Then is there something faulty with validation data because I get Num TP TC = 1.00913242 Num TP WT = 1.04109589.

Created by dskhanirfan
@dskhanirfan , Yes, TP, FN, and FP are the number of true positives, false negatives, and false positives, respectively. The metrics you receive in the emails are the _averages_, hence why the TP/FN/FP could be floats and not integers. To look at the number of TP/FN/FP per scan, please check your `all_scores.csv` and/or `all_legacy_scores.csv` files. Hope that helps!

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