Hi @LISA2024_Organizers , I would appreciate it if you could let me know the evaluation queue name of the challenge for the validation phase. I can only see Eval Q Test, Task 1 Evaluation and Task 2 Evaluation. Assuming the correct queue is Task 2 Evaluation, as I expect to submit a solution for Task 2, I submitted my prediction files as a zip to the Task 2 Evaluation queue. However, I haven't received any emails regarding the submission job as in previous BraTS challenges. I cannot view the submission ID in the submission dashboard as well. Regards, himashi

Created by Himashi Peiris hap
--- Hi, Thank you for your inquiry and your patience. We have reviewed your submission to the Task 2 Evaluation queue and have evaluated your predictions. You can view the leaderboard results for the validation phase at the following link: [Leaderboard Results for Validation Phase](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn55249552/wiki/629023) We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the absence of email notifications and submission ID visibility. We are manually evaluating the submissions to ensure accuracy and fairness. Thank you for your patience and continued participation in the LISA 2024 Challenge. Kind regards, **LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers** ---

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