Hi Are the segmentation models going to be validated soon? If we are to submit a paper we will need the results :) Thanks!

Created by n d nd95
Hi @wooks527, Thank you for reaching out and for your continued participation in the LISA 2024 Challenge. We understand the importance of having ample time to refine and develop your model. However, please note that we have already extended the deadline for the validation phase once to accommodate participants. As such, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to extend the deadline further. We encourage you to make the most of the remaining time and wish you the best of luck with your submissions for the test phase. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Best regards, LISA 2024 Organizing Committee
@LISA2024_Organizers Is there any plan to extend the deadline for the validation phase? I?ve just received the validation score, and with only two days remaining, I?m concerned about the limited time available to further develop the model. Since our main task in the test phase will be to submit MLCube based on the validation results, an extension could be helpful. Thanks, Hyunwook Kim
We've reviewed the evaluations by user @nd95 and found that the submissions made after July 24th were INVALID status. The reason for this is that the size of the images submitted did not match the expected ground truths. For some cases we found no overlap with the ground truths. We are working on providing default values for the scores. Thank you for your patience.
Hi, I?m also experiencing similar difficulties with Task 2, which has made it challenging to improve the model, because I haven?t received any results for the validation data. With only 1-2 days remaining until the validation phase deadline, It would be very helpful if the Task 2 results could be evaluated as soon as possible, if feasible. Best regards, Hyunwook Kim
Hello, Thank you for your message. We have scored all submissions, however, there appears to be a permission issue prohibiting some participants from viewing recent results. We are working with Synapse to resolve this issue and you should be able to view the scores very soon. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers

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