Dear @LISA2024Participants, Thank you all for your hard work and dedication toward this year's challenge! As we wrap up, please remember to submit an LNCS style paper by August 15th at 11:59 PM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for your method to be reviewed during the testing phase. The paper submission link is found here: Additionally, instructions on the paper submission can be found in the wiki: Best regards, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers

Created by LISA2024Challenge LISA2024_Organizers
Thanks, @LISA2024_Organizers, much appreciated! Could you let us know where to add our team id during manuscript submission? thanks! Regards, Vaanathi
Dear @LISA2024Participants, Thank you for the notifications. The submission link should be visible and live again. If there is any issue with editing (as with @hap ) please let us know. Additionally, all times have been shifted to PST to accommodate for the technical difficulties. Best regards, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers
the button to add new submission is missing again. @LISA2024_Organizers
Dear @LISA2024_Organizers, A gentle reminder for the submission link issue at CMT webpage - the ?add new submission? link doesn?t appear on LiSA 2024 page on CMT. Since today is the deadline would be great to have this sorted out at the earliest. Thanks! Regards, Vaanathi
As @SungchulOn mentioned, I understand that the submission deadline is August 15th, 11:59 PM PST, as shown in the attached image: ${imageLink?synapseId=syn62051862&align=None&scale=60&responsive=true&altText=} - Could you please clarify whether the deadlines for the submission and the short paper are the same or different? Thanks, Hyunwook Kim
Hi @LISA2024_Organizers , In some descriptions, it says UTC time, and in some, it says PST time. Which is correct? Is it UTC time for a short paper and PST time for a model submission? Thanks! Best regards, SungchulOn
Hi @LISA2024_Organizers , Could you kindly reopen the system? We are not able to make a submission after refreshing multiple times, and it not yet being the deadline. Thanks! Regards, Vaanathi
Hi Despite it not yet being the deadline it is not possible to make a new paper submission! Please can you reopen the submission system!
Hi @LISA2024_Organizers I created a submission and uploaded my first draft of the short paper. However, it seems I cannot modify my submission anymore. I believe I still have enough time to do so, as the deadline is UTC 11.59 PM. I appreciate your response. Kind regards, Himashi
Dear @LISA2024Participants, Please refresh the CMT page and try again. If you are still unable to create a new submission, kindly let us know as soon as possible. Thank you, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers
I cannot find a submission creation link either.
Hi @LISA2024_Organizers There's no submission creation link on the given CMT page. Appreciate your assistance on this. Kind regards, Himashi

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