@LISA2024Participants, We hope you are doing well. We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for the testing phase has been extended by one day. The new deadline is now 24 August 11:59 pm PST. This extension is to allow everyone ample time to submit their MLCube files and Docker images in the respective evaluation queues listed below. ** LISA 2024 Task 1 Docker Image (Test Phase) ** ** LISA 2024 Task 1 MLCube Configuration (Test Phase) ** ** LISA 2024 Task 2 Docker Image (Test Phase) ** ** LISA 2024 Task 2 MLCube Configuration (Test Phase) ** Additionally, it would be very helpful for us if you could include a README file with your submission. This will assist us in case we encounter any issues during the evaluation of your Docker image. Kindly follow the instructions provided on both the [How to Submit](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn55249552/wiki/627696) and [What to Submit](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn55249552/wiki/627701) pages to ensure your submission is processed smoothly. ** Note: We will only evaluate your last 2 successful submissions. ** Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to receiving your submissions and wish you all the best for the final phase. Best regards, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers

Created by LISA2024Challenge LISA2024_Organizers
Hi Hyunwook, Our apologies, there was a typo in the previous post. We have corrected the language to match the wiki page. We sought to clarify that if more than 2 submissions during the test phase are provided, we would consider the most recent (two) submissions. There is no change in the evaluation criteria. In fact, we will consider your last 2 successful submissions, per task, and select the best submission of the two for final ranking. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Best regards, LISA 2024 Challenge Organizers
Dear @LISA2024_Organizers, Thank you for your efforts in organizing the challenge. As I understand, the original plan was to use the best submission per task for the final ranking, calculated using unseen testing data from the two models submitted by each individual or team. Based on this, I submitted two prediction results for each task. ![how_to_take_best_submission](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F0e7f1b03-7dbc-4fc0-ac8e-5c58b1632607%2F21bcecf2-36a1-4f0a-bc05-e50d509eedf4%2Fimage.png?table=block&id=dffaf8e8-81f7-4472-8bf8-9d1eef68968c&spaceId=0e7f1b03-7dbc-4fc0-ac8e-5c58b1632607&width=1000&userId=cccc1b30-6f65-4c52-bea7-ef4de64557be&cache=v2) - https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn55249552/wiki/627696 (Version: 63, Modified On: 08/22/2024 5:26 PM) However, in this discussion thread, it was mentioned that only the last submission was used to evaluate the final ranking. I would appreciate it if you could explain the reason for the change in evaluation criteria. Best reagrds, Hyunwook Kim
Dear @LISA2024_Organizers, Thanks for the notification. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing some system maintenance services for a week now at our institute and hence not able to work on this continuously and currently our rocker container is not yet ready. Since we have put lot of effort into the validation phase, we would be extremely grateful if you could kindly extend the deadline for another 2days. This would be really useful for us. Hope you can consider our request. Thanks and looking forward to your reply. Regards, Vaanathi

Testing Phase Deadline Extended: Please Submit MLCube Files and Docker Images page is loading…