CTF-UCF-Cenix-CompleteCompoundData-all passes in one tab_ to release_FINAL.xlsx


Created By Abhishek Pratap apratap

assay: high content screen
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn5562324
dataType: drugScreen
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 2
studyName: Phenotypic screening of anti-NF2 drug candidates in merlin-deficient and normal mouse Schwann cells
accessTeam: 273948
accessType: PUBLIC
fileFormat: excel
initiative: Independent
isCellLine: Yes
dataSubtype: raw
nf2Genotype: +/+,-/-
individualID: MS01, MS11
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: CTF
isMultiSpecimen: Yes
isMultiIndividual: Yes

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