Hi, Synapse team. Batch downloading has been unsuccessful, so I programmed using Python to only download one at a time, but it froze after downloading 10 fastq files. Now I am trying to manually download one by one, but why is the download page that appears when the Sypnase UI clicks the download button prohibited from accessing? The error are as followed: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. AccessDenied Access Denied PMGVMMYJWVX4B02F hcYEwrnc44g0CfuYDOwVBj49cIZ2RqIkSpEPz16IGrDTMf2N6o0mnVXrEgKJ3pmQXBvFbYBNi1g= Thanks for your support!

Created by Yan Wang Yan6688
Hello, Please note that just a couple of hours ago, in consultation with the NIH, we implemented an emergency change to data egress. Please see the access restriction placed on PsychENCODE at the following link introducing this topic. There are additional links provided as resources, including instructions for resuming downloads through the month of March. https://www.synapse.org/#!AccessRequirement:AR_ID=9606304 Of additional note, this same restriction was placed on the data a number of days ago, then temporarily removed. However, we now expect this to continue through the data migration process. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Anthony on behalf of the Synapse Access & Compliance Team (ACT)
I am looping in @anthony.pena for assistance on this issue
The previous email notified that these datasets were moved to NDA in March 1, 2024, but can't they be downloaded now? Can it be extended to March 1, 2024? The email content is as follows: The CommonMind and PsychENCODE Collections and access requests for these datasets will be moving to the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) by March 1, 2024. Thanks a lot.
Hi @yan6688, The psychencode project is currently being migrated to a separate location, so the files may not be able to be downloaded at this time due to that. Apologies for the inconvenience. I will try and find out more next week. Our working hours are M-F between 9-5pm Pacific time.
Using the command line to download also resulted in server access being denied, but I referred to the suggestions of @ brucehoff and @ bfauble and applied for a new token, while also selecting view, download, and modify . But why is it banned? synapse get syn5599776 --downloadLocation /Volumes/Expansion/syn_data/Yale_ASD/ChIP_seq/ChIP_enriched_region UPGRADE AVAILABLE A more recent version of the Synapse Client (4.1.0) is available. Your version (4.0.0) can be upgraded by typing: pip install --upgrade synapseclient Python Synapse Client version 4.1.0 release notes https://python-docs.synapse.org/news/ SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden AccessDeniedAccess DeniedQQZFK3AKJAVGT7RXxTzHj4AjyJccRuwCyeDfCfrX4y7qcXfeaKGtUKjiiu5etUoxKYlKjMPCfoetSN+/hjXVhhVSCXU= Thanks.

Unable to open the page when downloading separately page is loading…