In the documentation ( it states that users with Administrator and CanScore permissions are able to download all submissions to an evaluation queue but I cannot find anywhere in the interface where this is possible nor anything in the documentation about how to do this. Constructing a table from the submissions queue I get two interesting columns orgSagebionetworksSynapseWorkflowOrchestratorSubmissionFolder - This links to a folder in the files for the project. Inside is a zip file that contains the logs from the evaluation but not the original submission entityid - This links to a synapse object which is the file to submit. However I do not have access to files generated by other users. How can I access the original submission data for the evaluation queue?

Created by Seth Paulson Sarudak
Thanks that worked for me!
Hi @Sarudak, Excellent question, and apologies for the lack of documentation on how to download submissions. If your machine has Python available, you can install [challengeutils]( and use the `download-submission` CLI command to download a submission: ```bash challengeutils download-submission SUBMISSION_ID [--download_location DOWNLOAD_LOCATION] [--output OUTPUT] ``` --- In order to provide your Synapse credentials to challengeutils, you will also need to create a `.synapseConfig` file in your home directory and enter the following: ```text [authentication] authtoken = "YOUR PAT" ``` where `authtoken` is your Synapse Personal Access Token (PAT). [Generate a new PAT](!PersonalAccessTokens:) with all token permissions enabled, then copy-paste it into `authtoken`. Hopefully this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Cannot download evaluation queue submissions page is loading…