Hi everyone. I'm assigning a project to my students on sem segmentation. Can you please help me find the dataset that is mentioned here. I am unable to find the 39Gb zip file that is mentioned here https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn3193805/wiki/217789 I came across this link below but its not about what was mentioned in the above link https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn3193805/files/ If anyone knows anything about this 39Gb file . Please let me know """"""""" Data Structure You can find the data under the "Abdomen" folder in the "Files" tab. "Abdomen.zip" (39GB) include all data.Three separate zip files for the raw data ("RawData.zip",1.6GB), the training-training registrations ("Reg-Training-Training",23GB), and the training-testing registrations ("Reg-Training-Training",15GB) can be downloaded for the participants' own needs. Raw data are separated into 30 training and 20 testing subjects. /RawData/Training/ /RawData/Testing/ To access an image file, e.g., /RawData/Training/img/img0001.nii.gz To access an label file, e.g., /RawData/Training/label/label0001.nii.gz Note that the label files for the testing subjects are used for scoring the submission, and thus not provided. Registered data are categorized into two parts, (1) the pair-wise registrations between training datasets (30 x 29 = 870), and (2) the registrations from the training data to the testing data (30 x 20 = 600). /RegData/Training-Training/ /RegData/Training-Testing/ To access an registered image file, e.g., /RegData/Training-Testing/img/0061/img0001-0061.nii.gz To access an registered label file, e.g., /RegData/Training-Testing/label/0061/label0001-0061.nii.gz In the example case above, subject 0001 in the training datasets was registered to subject 0061 in the testing datasets """"""""

Created by Aneesh M aneesh_xyz
Hi @aneesh_xyz, Thanks for your interest in Synapse. We at Sage do not host the dataset, so we are unable to answer your question. Could you post your question in the project's discussion forum: https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn3193805/discussion/default. Let us know if you have other questions. Thanks!