I can't seem to get the challengeutils working. I have tried generating multiple new access tokens and putting them both in ~/.synapseConfig as well as via "export SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN=..." even using what I believe is the simplest form of the auth request using the command line "synapse login -p" with my personal access token I get the response SynapseAuthenticationError: You are not logged in and do not have access to a requested resource. caused by SynapseHTTPError: 401 Client Error: Invalid access token I can't find anything in the docs that would indicate what I might be doing wrong. Is it possible something is wrong server side? synapse --version Synapse Client 4.3.0 challengeutils -v challengeutils 4.3.0

Created by Seth Paulson Sarudak
After trying a number of thing it looks like this is caused by putting quotes around the token. With quotes it fails and without quotes it succeeds
Hi @Sarudak , Apologies for the inconvenience! Can you try only using `~/.synapseConfig`? In our next update, credentials passed by the command line will take precedence over the config file and environment variable. After removing the environmental variable, can you do: ``` synapse login ``` Separately, `challengeutils` will soon be deprecated, please explore this: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks-Challenges/cnb-tools.

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