I have installed synapse command line and python modules, I can download the data easily, but I am unable to upload the data to my Project folder I am using this command synapse add --parentid synID [FileName] This is the error I am getting ################################################## Uploading file to Synapse storage ################################################## Uploading [--------------------]0.00% 0.0bytes/6.4kB metadata.txt SynapseError: Upoad 445848 did not complete. Try again. Please help

Created by Vivek Swarup swarup
I just tried uploading the same file from a server (different lab) and it works !, so something about the server and configuration that is causing this problem.
Ah, you're right. Looking at the code, the headers will not be printed because an error is thrown. I'll chat with one of our engineers and see what we can figure out! Can you try to (with `--debug` turned on): 1. Upload a different file to this project? 1. Upload this file to another private project that you create, just to be sure it's not because of this project?
Kenneth, This is all that is outputted, I do not have any other files that you are asking for. Do you know where these files may be? certainly not in the folder from where the command is run
There should be `request` and `response` header information as well that are outputted after the Python traceback? If you could provide those as well, that might help.
This is the result of the debug command synapse --debug add --parentid syn7818879 metadata.txt Could not find a config file (/home/vivek/.synapseConfig). Using defaults. ################################################## Uploading file to Synapse storage ################################################## Uploading [--------------------]0.00% 0.0bytes/6.4kB metadata.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/synapse", line 9, in load_entry_point('synapseclient==1.6.1', 'console_scripts', 'synapse')() File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/__main__.py", line 773, in main perform_main(args, syn) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/__main__.py", line 748, in perform_main args.func(args, syn) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/__main__.py", line 177, in store entity = syn.store(entity, used=used, executed=executed) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/client.py", line 1004, in store fileSize=local_state.get('fileSize', None)) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/client.py", line 1954, in _uploadToFileHandleService file_handle_id = multipart_upload(self, filename, contentType=mimetype) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/multipart_upload.py", line 212, in multipart_upload **kwargs) File "/home/vivek/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/multipart_upload.py", line 346, in _multipart_upload raise SynapseError("Upoad {id} did not complete. Try again.".format(id=status["uploadId"])) synapseclient.exceptions.SynapseError: Upoad 445848 did not complete. Try again.
This is recurrent error, I have been trying it since this morning, I can upload the data via web interface, but I have to upload large files which are in our servers. This is the exact code, please note that the synID is private now. The metadata.txt is a 6KB tab separated file (which I can upload with web version), but not with synapse client synapse add --parentid syn7818879 metadata.txt I am logged in as I can download the data easily, even from the same parent id (syn7818879)
If it reoccurs and you're unable to complete the upload, can you add the debug flag? Here's an example: ```bash synapse --debug add --parentid syn123456 /my/path/to/foo.txt ```
Hi Vivek: Is this a recurrent error for you? This would happen if you are unable to upload the file. Do you mind sharing the full command you are using?
Does this fail repeatedly (e.g., retrying doesn't allow you to complete an upload still)?
Synapse Client 1.6.1 Thanks !
To see what version you're using, can you please run (from the command line): ``` synapse --version ``` Thanks!

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