Hi everyone, I'm looking in syn8390071 and I don't see any md5 numbers. Is there a way to easily find these numbers for all files in the synapse directory (without copying them again to a local computer)? Thanks!

Created by Laura Sloofman lauragails
Fantastic, thanks!
HI Laura: Yes, you can extract the information - it is part of the metadata stored for each file. Also every time you upload or download a file the md5 is checked to validate the upload/download. I wish it was easier though (we have in the plans to make it so) but for now you will have to fetch the metadata for each file. In Python you could do: ``` files = syn.chunkedQuery('select id from file where parentId=="syn8390071"') md5s = [syn.get(i['file.id'], downloadFile=False).md5 for i in files] ``` The important point is that we are only fetching metadata `downloadFile=False`

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