As of May 15 there is a change to the way *sharing settings* work in Synapse: Currently when you grant "Can View" permission to a File for a user or team, the grantee (1) can see the file and its metadata (such as who created it and when, its annotations, etc.) and (2) can download the file. The modified share settings give you finer grained control: When you give "Can View" permission, the grantee can see the file and metadata but cannot download. When you give "Can Download" permission, the grantee can download the file as well as view it.   We have updated the share settings on existing entities (project, files, and folders) on your behalf: If you previously gave a group "Can View" they now have "Can Download" permission. The exception to this update is "Public", which implicitly includes those who are not logged in and therefore (as per our terms of use) cannot download content from Synapse. If "Public" was previously granted "Can View" permission, then we added the group "All Synapse Users" (i.e. all who *have* logged in) with "Download" permission to the share settings. This pair of settings is also what is added to the settings when you click "Make Public".

Created by Bruce Hoff brucehoff
@kdaily The description above was updated to explain how existing ACLs have been updated. The default access setting when using the Sharing Settings tool to share with a user or team is "Can View".
How will this change affect existing files in Synapse? What will the default setting be for access settings that are applied to files or folders?

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