Hi I'm using the command line to download many files. Can I download multiple file in parallel, let's say 5 files at a time? Or I can only download them one by one? Thank you

Created by Efrat Katsman ekushele
Hi @ekushele, the Synapse client currently does not support parallel file download. There are ways, however, to automatically download multiple files instead of putting in individual Synapse IDs. Here are a couple of places in our documentation that describe [downloading data](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html#downloading-in-bulk) using these methods: - Recursive download (is available from the command line): https://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html#recursive-downloads - Bulk download using `syncFromSynapse` (similar to recursive download): https://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html#downloading-in-bulk There are some other methods to download data in bulk if other data structures (like a [File View](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/views.html)) has been set up. You can also use the web site to add files to a download queue for multi-file download, but the size and number of files is limited.

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