entity <- synGet("syn16803262") hello i am using the above to get access to this package, i have become a certified user i get error in value[[3L]](cond) : 403 Client Error: You do not have READ permission for the requested entity. can you rectify this? the paper has been released https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.107 thanks christos

Created by proux
ok thanks, pity
Hi @proux - This data is being distributed through the NIMH Data Archive. Please see here: https://ndar.nih.gov/study.html?id=636. The link in the manuscript needs to be corrected. Thanks for the heads up about that! If you have questions about data access please contact the NDA helpdesk: https://ndar.nih.gov/contactus.html
@Mette @kdaily- Can you help @proux get access to this BSMN dataset?
and i got this email Hello proux, The following errors were experienced while delivering message Requesting access to syn16803262: - proux may not send messages to the group (BSMNSageAdmin) Synapse Administrator
thanks, i havent requested access from the authors- i didnt think this was required, but happy to do if needed I am logged in with R, i could download the example test package on the web client, i get "you are not authorised to view this, request access from the owner" and i click on this, and i get You are not authorized to access the page requested. shall i email the author?
Can you access the entity through the web client when signed in? And have you logged in in your R session? And have you requested access through the manuscript authors?

access to entity syn16803262 page is loading…