Hi there, Has anyone been able to successfully use the REST API? I am using Postman to test access but cant seem to authenticate. I have tried basic username and password in the header as well as using bearer token. I have also tried using username and password as my API key but no success. Cheers, Justin

Created by Justin Farr justin.farr
Thanks @brucehoff That has worked like a charm. Many thanks. Cheers, Justin
There are two ways to authenticate, as per https://docs.synapse.org/rest/index.html#org.sagebionetworks.auth.AuthenticationController 1) Include a header called 'sessionToken', the value being returned by this service: https://docs.synapse.org/rest/POST/login.html 2) Include three headers, one of which is an HMAC, computed from your 'API Key' (which you can get from your Settings page): Here's how we compute the headers in our Python client: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/synapsePythonClient/blob/3b3155aa3c1aaa81ee561724e991d3caca8cf58e/synapseclient/credentials/cred_data.py#L34-L49

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