Dear Sage developers, It seems that Synapse entities have an implicit "owner" attribute. Is there a way to transfer it to another user or team? I skimmed the Python API, but only found setPermissions(), which I'm guessing works similar to the web interface. A colleague and myself tested the web interface by having one of us create a Synapse project and promote the other person to an administrator. However, the latter was not able to then demote the original owner as a way of transferring ownership. Thanks, -Artem

Created by Artem Sokolov ArtemSokolov
Thanks, Kenneth. The API works great!
It's not possible in the web interface - I believe by design. However, you can do it from the other clients (I tested in R, but would be similar in Python). Here's an example:   ``` # Get an existing ACL acl <- synGetEntityACL('syn6040711') # Create a new ACL (in R it's a ResourceAccessList object), excluding the person you want to remove # In this case, my original ACL had two users, and I only wanted to keep the second one (which was not myself) # You could be more complex here to find specific users that should be removed, something like: # which(unlist(lapply(acl@resourceAccess@content, function(x) x$principalId == '3335327'))) newacl <- ResourceAccessList(acl@resourceAccess[[2]]) # Set the new ACL newacl <- synUpdateEntityACL(acl) ```
That was my testing account (@anonymoose)!
I just tested and replicated what you note. According to one of our engineers that shouldn't be the case - he's going to help me out, so I'll get back to you soon!
This is what we've tried: 1. User A creates a Synapse project. 2. User A invites User B to join the project. 3. User B accepts the invite and joins the project. 4. User A promotes User B to administrator. At this point, User B is able to invite new users, remove existing users (except User A), and change permissions for existing users (except User A). However, hovering over User A's permission box brings up a cursor with a "not allowed" symbol. Additionally, User A does not have a "remove" button found next to other users. Here's a screenshot from User B's perspective: ![Screenshot](
You should be able to add a new person as an administrator, and then that person (using their account) can remove you as an administrator. Could you provide more details on how you were performing this action?

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