Hi, The sample names in the different data types in the ROSMAP study do not match each other. Here are 4 example sample names from methylation data: TBI-AUTO73325-PT-3149 PT-BZHL PT-BZCH PT-BY9H TBI-AUTO73307-PT-314I TBI-AUTO73043-PT-35BD PT-BZI5 And here are examples from miRNA data: DLPFC_115_1A DLPFC_118_1A DLPFC_131_1A DLPFC_137_1A And below are from RNA-Seq data: 525_120515_0 383_120503_0 93_120417_0 610_120523_0 I have no clue about methylation sample names' mapping to others. My guess for miRNA and RNA-Seq pair is that middle number "_x_" in miRNA sample names correspond to the initial number "x_" in RNA-Seq, but I am not sure if this is true. Where can I find a matching between all those different naming conventions? Thanks!

Created by safiye celik safiye
Thank you, Mette, this is very helpful.
Please see the ID mapping key here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3382527

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