Hello, I've created a project named CATARACTS and I was trying to put a register button in one of the wiki subpages but I was able because I could not find the values of challengeId and teamId URIs required (As you can see in the following example) ${registerChallengeTeam?challengeId=4357&buttonText=Register your Team} ${jointeam?teamId=3390210&isChallenge=true&isMemberMessage=You have successfully registered for the Challenge} Thanks in advance. M@ystroh.

Created by maystroh
Hello @maystroh, Apologies, the feature is currently in alpha mode. If you scroll down, you will find a green button with an image of a helmet on the bottom right corner. This will activate alpha mode and allow you to see that menu option. Thanks, Tom
Thanks for your quick reply. I've followed your steps but I could not see where I can find **Run Challenge**. When I click on **Project Settings**, I'm getting this list of options: * Project Sharing Settings * Edit Project Metadata * Show Project Statistics * Annotations * Change Project Storage Location * Create DOI for Projecct * Save Link to Project * Delete Project I can't find **Run Challenge** in it. Thanks, M@ystroh.
Hello @maystroh, Thanks for your usage of Synapse. These features are used to run [challenges](http://dreamchallenges.org/) using Synapse, please see instructions on found on the [Challenge Infrastructure docs](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/challenge_administration.html#activating-challenge-configuration). Here are the steps you would do with the UI 1. Create a Synapse [`Team`](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/teams.html). Your team id can be found on the team page (ie `https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:12345`. Here the id is 12345) 2. Create a Synapse [`Project`](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/making_a_project.html) (You've already done this) 3. Navigate into your `Project` and click **Project Settings** and **Run Challenge**. 4. Link your team that you created in step 1. After doing so, you will see a challenge tab and you should see a challengeId on that page. Please let me know if you have any questions, Tom

Get challengeId and teamId page is loading…