The language-specific syntax highlighting doesn't seem to work for `r` ```r # Read GMT file to list # reads either .gmt or gmt.gz read.gmt = function(file){ if( ! grepl("(\\.gmt$)|(\\.gmt\\.gz$)", file)[1] ){ stop("Pathway information must be a .gmt file") } geneSetDB = readLines(file) geneSetDB = strsplit(geneSetDB, "\t") names(geneSetDB) = sapply(geneSetDB, "[", 1) geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, "[", -1:-2) geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, function(x) { x[which(x != "")] }) return(geneSetDB) } ``` The highlighting is the same if I specify the language as `fakeLanguage` ```fakeLanguage # Read GMT file to list # reads either .gmt or gmt.gz read.gmt = function(file){ if( ! grepl("(\\.gmt$)|(\\.gmt\\.gz$)", file)[1] ){ stop("Pathway information must be a .gmt file") } geneSetDB = readLines(file) geneSetDB = strsplit(geneSetDB, "\t") names(geneSetDB) = sapply(geneSetDB, "[", 1) geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, "[", -1:-2) geneSetDB = lapply(geneSetDB, function(x) { x[which(x != "")] }) return(geneSetDB) } ```

Created by Gabriel Hoffman gabriel.hoffman
Bug has been fixed and new formatting will be available on Synapse release 315 (we are on 313 now)!

Issue with syntax highlighting page is loading…