Hello. I would like to get Tesla data access rights. So I would like to ask for a Data Use Certificate creation. Who means Signing Official, Principal Investigator in that document? Is it possible to put my name in Principal Investigator? I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you! -----TESLA data use certificate ---- 5) Data requestor and Signing Official* a) You understand that by using Synapse, you agree to the general Synapse Terms of Use and guiding principles for responsible research as described in the Synapse Governance documents. b) You agree that if you change institution, you will submit a new Data Use Certificate signed by an authorized official from your new institution. c) You and your Institutional Signing Official certify your agreement to the principles, policies and procedures for use of these Data as articulated in this document. Failure to comply with the terms of this Data Use Certificate may result in termination of all current data access and/or suspension of the PI and all associated key personnel and collaborators from submitting new Data Access Request for a period to be determined. Repeated violations or unresponsiveness to Sage requests may result in further measures. * The Signing Official is somebody with oversight authority over the data requester and who is responsible for ensuring appropriate and ethical use of the Data by the data requester. AGREED by the parties through their authorized signatures. SIGNING OFFICIAL Name: Title: Email: Institution: Signature: Date: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Name: Title: Email: Institution: Signature: Date: Please list your Collaborators (from the same institution) on the next page. --------------END-------------------------

Created by Inyoung Kim iykim
@elang @brucehoff Thank you for your kind answer!! Have a nice day??
@iykim thanks for reaching out! The Signing Official should be someone within your institution who has oversight over the research being conducted using the TESLA data. This is often a department head, supervisor, etc. The Principal Investigator should be someone at your institution directly leading the research utilizing the TESLA data. If you fit this description, please feel free to list yourself as the Principal Investigator.
@elang Would you care to respond?

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