Hi, I hope you are well. I have a synapse user account which has been recently validated on synapse web page. Unfortunately, when I try to download the data set called MJFF Levodopa Wearable Sensors, I receive an error that I fail to understand why I receive this error. The error is as follows: "Sorry, there is an error in submitting your request. Accessor 3443899 is listed more than one." I will be happy if you can help me out on this matter. Sefki Kolozali

Created by Sefki Kolozali skoloz
Sefki- Can you clarify what you're doing when you receive that error? Also, can you confirm that you'd completed the procedure and been granted access to the MJFF Levodopa data? Thanks.

"Sorry, there is an error in submitting your request. Accessor 3443899 is listed more than one." page is loading…