Hi, We are looking to download RNA-seq fastq files from this study: Warre-Cornish, K., Perfect, L., Nagy, R., Duarte, R. R., Reid, M. J., Raval, P., ... & Price, J. (2020). Interferon-? signaling in human iPSC?derived neurons recapitulates neurodevelopmental disorder phenotypes. Science advances, 6(34), eaay9506. Raw data are deposited here: www.synapse.org/IFNG. We are unable to access and hoping someone can clarify for us. Thank you and best wishes, Michael

Created by Michael Breen BreenMS
Hi Mette and Solly!! I just reached out to the authors. Will let you know what happens. Warm regards to you both! :) Michael
Hi Michael, nice to hear from you. I do not have access either. I think this must be someone who have used Synapse independently from us to release data, and failed to make it public. I recommend reaching out to the contact author
@Mette is this something you know anything about? Is it a PsychEncode study? I don't have access to this project.

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