Hello, this must be a naive question. First time doing this, I wonder if there is a detailed instruction on how to get access/permission to a specific , controlled data set on Synapse? Many thanks! Alex

Created by Qiuyu Guo qiuyuguo
@jiaoxl submitted the tesla access request today and uploaded the DUC, but it was rejected because it needs to be executed by a signing official.
Hi @AnnNovakowski, I downloaded and signed Synapse Pledge but don't know how to upload it to my profile validation. So I will email to act@sagebionetworks.org. Thanks.
Hello @jiaoxl, the form you will need to complete for access to TESLA data is the "TESLA Controlled Access Data Use Certificate". The form is downloadable from the access request dialog box. As a next step, it appears you will need to get your account validated. You can find [instructions here](https://help.synapse.org/docs/Synapse-User-Account-Types.2007072795.html) for getting your account validated. The Synapse Oath is now referred to as the [Synapse Pledge](https://help.synapse.org/docs/Synapse-Pledge.2004255236.html), so we will update these instructions accordingly. If you are still having difficulty, please write to us at act@sagebionetworks.org. One of us can help walk you through the process you will need to follow to request access.
Thanks @abby.vanderlinden I am following the instructions described in https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21048999/wiki/607073 and got lost by 3.3. Sign the Oath. I am trying to access data provided for Tumor neoantigen study by TESLA. https://www.parkerici.org/research-project/tumor-neoantigen-selection-alliance-tesla/ However, I couldn't find the neoantigen study in https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies according to AD Knowledge Portal-Controlled Access DUC-June2022-v7.3.pdf
@jiaoxl I'm not sure what this is -- there's not a section 3.3. to "Sign the Oath" in the [AD Portal Data Use Certificate form](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25441378). Can you clarify which process you are having trouble with?
I have my CEO signed the official letter to request access to the controlled data. However I couldn't find the document linking to "3.3. Sign the Oath". It points to https://help.synapse.org/docs/ Can anyone help please? Thanks.
@qiuyuguo The signing official can vary based on the institution, but is usually someone at the organization who has been granted authority such as the Dean, board member, Head of Department or grants department. I would recommend consulting someone at your institution to verify, but hopefully that provides a starting point!
@KimCorr777 Does Governance have guidance on what kinds of roles can be institutional signing officials for a DUC application?
@abby.vanderlinden can you help?
I found this to be more useful: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/DataAccess/Instructions which leads me to validate my profile. A new question here is, when obtaining the identity attestation documentation, who is supposed to be my 'signing official'? Thanks for any advice.

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