Hello, I am trying to download fastq files from ROSMAP after installing synapseclient as an environment. ``` module load anaconda3/2020.07 source activate synapse-env synapse get-download-list ``` However, it returns this error ``` AttributeError: module 'time' has no attribute 'time_ns' ``` I used python version 3.6.13. Could someone give me some insights of what I am doing wrong? It would be greatly appreciated!

Created by Minh Tran mtran2006
It worked! Thank you so much!
Hello @mtran2006, Thanks - here are the commands I've ran. Could you print out commands like below so that I can see the Python version you are using along with client version and errors? ``` conda create -n syn-testing python=3.7 conda activate syn-testing python --version # Python 3.7.13 pip install synapseclient synapse --version # Synapse Client 2.7.0 synapse get-download-list [####################]100.00% 1/1 Done... Downloading [####################]100.00% 395.0bytes/395.0bytes (257.7kB/s) manifest.csv Done... Manifest file: manifest_1665000922687241000.csv ```
Hi Tom, I tried using anaconda3/2019.03 which has python 3.7.3, but it still gave the same error. Best, Minh
Hi @mtran2006, Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the client. Can you try using python 3.7+? Best, Tom

Trouble downloading files due to python version page is loading…