The following refseq IDs are present in RespiratoryViralChallenge_IndependentTest_Biochronicity_Time0_EXPRESSION_VST.tsv but not in anno_refseq.csv file:   NM_000645 NM_001161533 NM_001170630 NM_001185060 NM_001185061 NM_001185062 NM_001301062 NM_001324469 NM_015652 NM_022377 NM_032213 NR_023352 NR_024191 NR_024621 NR_026905 NR_026906 NR_026909 NR_027995 NR_028343 NR_033393 NR_033649 NR_033650 NR_040546 NR_045405 NR_045602 NR_048549 NR_123719 NR_123720

Created by Zafer Aydin zaferaydin
The 28 transcripts in the counts file not present in the annotation are transcripts removed from Refseq (HG38) because there is insufficient support for the transcript and the protein, but they were present when the alignment was performed.
I suspect these genes have been removed from RefSeq, but were present in the version used to do the alignment.

Gene IDs missing in annotation file of Biochronicity page is loading…