The CLINICAL data file for Biochronicity has a column named BASELINESHEDDING. What does this indicate? Does it have any relation with the SC1 label?

Created by Zafer Aydin zaferaydin
In this challenge, you are asked to predict post-exposure shedding (i.e. whether a participant exhibits shedding AFTER being exposed to virus). The baseline shedding does not factor in to the assessment of post-exposure shedding, because it is pre-exposure. I hope that clarifies.
I could not understand that description very well. It is confusing to me. It says the following:   "An additional variable (BASELINESHEDDING) is available in the Biochronicity clinical data, indicating which patients test positive for shedding at Time = 0, though you are asked to predict whether these patients test positive at Time > 0."   In the up to hour 0 contest (that means Time <= 0 right?), the baseline shedding indicates the shedding scores at Time = 0 but then it means those are true labels or not? Why does it say we should predict for Time > 0?
This is described on the data description page:!Synapse:syn5647810/wiki/411598. It is not used to compute shedding outcome.

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