Hi, I have tried downloading the raw non normalised data twice, it failed both times right at the end. My connection is 30mbps and there is no chance for the network to fail. So I was wondering if you guys would know what is the cause. Thanks, Merin

Created by Merin Santhosh MerinSanthosh
Great! Glad we found a work-around for you.
Hey @Sieberts, Yes, the R client worked perfectly! I wish they had a command which could resume downloads when disturbed as well. @Jay - Nope , no specific error.
@MerinSanthosh - Are you given a specific error? The timing of the error is intriguing, since (after a download successfully begins) it's a direct download to your machine from a file that's hosted in Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3).
Ok, I've notified the software team of your issue. In the meantime, I would try the R, Python or Command-line client for quickest data access. Links to tutorials can be found on the Synapse front page. https://www.synapse.org/ I'm most familiar with the R client, and the command to download the data there is ``` # INSTALL PACKAGE source("http://depot.sagebase.org/CRAN.R") pkgInstall("synapseClient") # ONCE THE PACKAGE IS INSTALLED library(synapseClient) synapseLogin() #Enter username and password # DOWNLOAD syn6043347 (expression cel files) INTO WORKING DIRECTORY du<-synGet('syn6043347', downloadLocation=getwd()) ``` The commands would be similar in the other two clients.
I have been using Chrome on Ubuntu 15.10. Since the same issue repeated, I tried using Mozilla,even then it failed, right at the end.
Merin- Sorry you're having that problem. I'm happy to find someone to help you. Can you tell me which access client you're using? Are you downloading directly from the website, or are you using one of the R, Python or command line clients? In the meantime, you could try another client and see if that works any better. Solly

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