Hi Solly,
Is there any template or format required for the submitted lists of predictors? We use ensemble models, and as you mentioned in the webinar, we need to indicate which ensemble element a list of predictors belong to. Shall we present the lists of predictors in one matrix (with column name as each element) per ensemble model per submission?
Created by Qian Li qli4 Qian-
You should specify the ensemble element in the first column, so it should look something like:
Ensemble1 Predictor1
Ensemble1 Predictor2
Ensemble1 Predictor3
EnsembleX Predictor[I]
EnsembleX Predictor[J]
EnsembleX Predictor[K] Hi Solly,
I have another question about the predictors. We have different sets of predictors for different studies within the same ensemble element. How do you want us to point out which study a set of predictors go to within each ensemble element?
Qian Qian-
Thanks for asking. I think a "long" 2-column format would be preferable with one column naming the ensemble element, and the 2nd column listing the constituent predictor (e.g. gene name, Age, gender, etc). I think if you try to make it a matrix, the columns will be of differing lengths, which can be difficult to deal with.