Hi Solly, do we have to submit the predictions for less than 0 hours and then again less than 24 hours. Since under tools in each of predictors list, test prediction list and as well as train prediction LOOCV's there is an option for submission to the challenge. Do we have submit each of these files individually by selecting submission to the challenge, or just if we submit one csv file, the submission system will drag all the relevant files, and score them.
Created by Mohammad Rahman mohammad Thanks. Mohammad-
Your predictions at each time range (up to 0 and up to 24) should be submitted to submission queues as separate files, each using the submission templates provided. Only your *predictions* should be submitted to evaluation queues. They are not equipped to handle the other files you mention. Detailed instructions for naming and storage of these files and how to reference them in your write-up are provided: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn5647810/wiki/403974 Please read this page carefully. If you have specific questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
Drop files to upload
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